A training day on immersive technologies for Health Care

A day of updating and training held by three international Virtual Healthcare Experts, for operators in the medical field.
“Virtual Healthcare. Technologies, experiences, projects” – 3 hours of frontal lessons + 3 hours of workshop, structured as follows:
Morning 10:00-13:00 – Frontal lessons in person or remotely
- Prof. P. Cipresso: “Status of the Research on Clinical Applications of VR – Evidence of VR”
- Dr. P. G. Mazzoli: “History and Clinic of VR in psychic disorders and pathological addictions, work protocols and meta-analysis of the related results”
- Arch. Davide Borra “Design and build an immersive experience”
After noon 14:30-17.30 – Workshop
- Arch. D. Borra, Dr. P.G. Mazzoli: “From the idea to the design concept of immersive applications in Healthcare”
The workshop will be the moment in which to try the immersive experiences created by VRforCARE, thanks to the viewers made available (minimum 2) and, working by disciplinary groups, to detect desires, methods of use, potential and risks of possible practical applications.